When we see a pothole forming in our driveway or parking lot, we cringe. Not only does it look bad, but it creates a potential hazard for driving. If you have ever hit a pothole, you know the risks to your vehicle, such as throwing out your wheel alignment or flat tires. The two key components that cause potholes are water and cold weather.
The winter weather we experience in southeastern Pennsylvania is responsible for much of the damage that happens to driveways and parking lots. It starts with water getting through cracks in the surface and settling into the substrate below. The consequences are far from desirable:
There are tricks to protecting your vehicle, such as driving over a pothole slowly with minimal braking. You can prevent the pothole from getting worse by avoiding the impulse to swerve at the last minute, causing your tires to hit from an oblique angle, breaking off more sections. The ideal solution is to stop the pothole from forming in the first place.
The first indication that your pavement is headed for trouble is the barely noticeable hairline cracks. They may seem insignificant, but to asphalt and concrete professionals, they are red flags. It is important to have your driveway inspected regularly so that preventative measures can be taken, including:
At Maintain It All, we take pride in the services we offer to protect your property and give it a longer lifespan. Contact us today for a free inspection of your driveway before potholes have a chance to form.